Breakout | |
Television Show Episode | |
Year | April 8, 2012 (United States of America) |
Director | Howard E. Baker |
Previous Episode | Savage Planet |
Next Episode | Brain Attack |
Breakout are the eighth and ninth Hero Factory television episodes.
Part 1

The Netflix Poster made for Breakout.
On a dark and stormy night inside the Hero Factory, William Furno is helping Rocka deliver his newest capture, Voltix, to his isolation cell in the Villain Storage Facility. He receives a warm welcome from all the other villains from their cells and when Voltix is secured, Furno personally commends Rocka for his effort. In return, Rocka notes that with the equipment from his new Upgrade, it was almost too easy. As Voltix’s cell is hoisted up, Furno catches a front-row view of Von Nebula’s Black Hole Orb Staff, which he claims gives him the creeps to this very day. When Voltix in turn sees it, he claims that it gives him hope and proves his point by unleashing a Von Nebula entity that shatters the staff, creating a black hole that releases the Villains' locks and allowing them all to escape. Voltix then yells for them, telling them that this is their ride, and they all charge for the dark portal. Furno and Rocka do what they can to hold them back with their weapons until Preston Stormer, Mark Surge, Jimi Stringer and Nathan Evo arrive. Furno informs Stormer that hundreds of villains are escaping through a black hole and the six of them team up to round up the villains before they get away. While Stormer orders Surge to cut them off and Stringer to round them up, Surge tries to convince the Villains to go back to their cells, but is knocked aside by Rotor, Witch Doctor and a group of Fangz, Raw-Jaw and Scorpio. Furno then encounters Toxic Reapa and knocks him down, but he escapes. Stringer then battles Splitface and tosses him aside, but Rocka fails to catch a Waspix. Witch Doctor, Raw-Jaw and Scorpio run by and Voltix blasts Rocka with his Volt Blaster, revealing he acted as a Trojan horse who tricked Rocka into catching him. Rocka then tries to aid Stringer with his Energy Shield, but they are knocked back by Fire Lord and Jetbug. Surge is defeated by Meltdown and Stormer faces off against Jawblade. Evo then attempts to pursue Fire Lord, Jetbug, and Meltdown into the black hole, but Stormer stops him, telling him it could be too dangerous. Jawblade and Witch Doctor then escape into the black hole, followed by Voltix who wryly tells the Heroes to send them the bill for the damages. The black hole then closes when Voltix departs, leaving the storage facility completely empty. Evo panics to Stormer that every single villain they’ve ever captured has escaped and Stormer orders him to calm down, citing that Heroes never panic in a crisis. Over the PA system, all Heroes are then summoned to Mission Control and Furno offers Evo advice (and then accidentally walks into the door), citing from personal experience that Stormer has never been good with rookies. When the facility is left completely empty, a mysterious infiltrator is free to enter the building with his pet Arachnix Drone...
In Mission Control, Nathaniel Zib addresses all the Heroes and informs them that this is the worst crisis Hero Factory has ever faced: every villain in their custody has escaped! Luckily, all the villains have tracking implants as a matter of procedural processing so that none of them will be hard to find. However, given the widespread nature of this emergency and with no time to lose, each and every one of the Heroes will be sent individually to recapture the villains before they commit any irreparable damage to the entire galaxy. To make this operation, designated as "Operation: Catch em and Cuff em", a snap, the Heroes are issued new Hero Cuffs forged by nigh-indestructible alloy and equipped to fly through the air to make the capture themselves when thrown. When the time comes for the Heroes to receive their equipment and their assignments, Zip explains that each of them will be upgraded with mission-specific battle gear designed to accommodate their surroundings and to combat the powers and abilities of their particular enemy.
- Stormer is upgraded with an Ultra Mach Speed Cycle and Modular Scout Drones to chase down Speeda Demon.
- Furno is outfitted with a propeller pack and a handheld Harpoon to help him survive and fight underwater against Jawblade.
- Evo is given anti-toxic armor and a Plasma Gun to go with his tankarm that will withstand the unforgiving nature of Toxic Reapa's poison.
- Surge is refitted with dual-plated impact armor, alpha-magnatic gravity boots, and an Electricity Shooter to stand up to Splitface in the vacuum of space.
- Stringer is equipped with a new Quad Amplitude Mega Decibel Sound Blaster to help him deal with Voltix.
Freshly equipped and ready to rumble, the Heroes rush to their Hero Pods to launch after their villains. However, Rocka stays behind for "security reasons". Daniella Capricorn then reports from the Hero Factory plaza about the Heroes going after the villains, informing the audience that their interstellar camera network will be broadcasting all over the galaxy to deliver all the action.
When commercial break ends, Daniella checks back with the audience to inform them of Stormer's mission to hunt down Speeda Demon on the ice planet, Kollix IV. After landing his hero pod, he charges off on his new speed cycle and gets a lock on Speeda Demon with his cycle's HUD, revealing that he is on a hit-and-run mission for the Stellar Navigation Beacon at the planet's north pole so he can rob unsuspecting spacecrafts once it's destroyed. He then catches up to the villain and after exchanging a few wisecracks, knocks Speeda Demon off his Nitro Rocket Motorbike, but he goes backwards and deals with Stormer from behind. Speeda Demon proves a formidable opponent, but not formidable enough to keep Stormer off his tailpipe.
On Z'chaya, Evo hikes through a dense forest in pursuit of Toxic Reapa and finds an ominous-looking cocoon colony. He contacts Furno about the cocoons that he assumes are filled with younger versions of Toxic Reapa's deadly species and asks for advice on whether or not he should destroy them before they hatch. Furno advises him to think this through as there is too big a chance that he could accidentally release the hatchlings and then he'd have a bigger problem on his hands. So, instead, Furno instructs him to stay focused on the task at hand of apprehending Toxic Reapa, because if he finds those cocoons, he'll have an army at his command. They finish up their conversation just as Toxic Reapa appears and Evo's cuffs are unable to keep up with his superior agility and hiding skills. With Toxic Reapa maintaining the upper hand in this territory, Evo can do nothing except get shot at with sizzling toxic goo, wondering how he is to stop him.
On Tansari VI, Stringer has arrived at the planet's energy collection array and wanders through a completely opaque mist trying to find Voltix, concluding that he could be planning to steal and harness the array's power to create the ultimate electric weapon. Soon, he discovers him stealing Energy Storage Cells to do just that. He throws his cuffs, but Voltix nails them with his electric lasers that short them out and they don't come back to Stringer. Voltix then attacks him from anywhere and it becomes difficult for Stringer to fight back with his new sonic cannon.
On Scylla, Furno makes his report as he searches for Jawblade, humbly bragging on his advice to Evo when Jawblade finds him. He then activates his Magma Blades, informing Furno that he's on the hunt for something that can vanquish any Hero with ease. When he throws his Hero Cuffs, he sees they're propulsion systems weren't designed to work underwater and Jawblade knocks them away, readily charging at him for battle.
Surge arrives at the Sigma Sigma Communications Satellite, which is protected from the asteroid belt it’s positioned in by a force field. From there, he tracks Spliface to a particularly humongous asteroid (one that could easily break through the shields) and finds Splitface in plain sight. There, he witnesses the argument Spliface is having between his two sides about weather to use his Shredding Claw or Infecticide Cannon, discovering his plan to send this very asteroid on a collision course with the satellite to disrupt any and all communication between the Hero Factory and any other location, leaving them completely unprepared against an attack. Surge then announces his presence and arms his handcuffs, but fails when Splitface just blows him away with his plasma cannon.
Stormer relentlessly races after Speeda Demon, but is still unable to get close enough to make the catch. In an ice canyon, he deploys two of his Scout Drones and they lend air support. Their cryo beams do not nail a single shot and Speeda Demon tricks them into crashing into a huge iceberg. Thinking Stormer defeated, he boasts at how he could’ve thought the drones would stop him. However, Stormer appears unscathed right behind him, revealing he was using them as decoys to slow him down enough for Stormer to get ahead of him. Refusing to admit defeat, Speeda Demon picks himself up and their motorcycle race resumes.
With his cuffs lost, Stringer is left wandering aimlessly through the mist trying to find Voltix, who then blindsides him. When Stringer gains the upper hand, Voltix finds his cuffs and tries to claim them for himself. However, Stringer nails him with his Sound Blaster and reclaims the cuffs. Believing his mission effectively wrapped up, Voltix completely incapacitates Stringer with a direct blast from his Volt Shooter charged up from energy absorbed and redirected from the array.
Back at the Satellite, Surge is tossed into the shield. When he recovers, he grabs his Hero Cuffs and uses the recoil from his Electricity Shooter to get back to Splitface’s asteroid. Surge Blindsides him while the two of them are still arguing about the use of their infecticide or shredding claw, but they agree to put their differences aside for the sake of defeating Surge. An epic battle ensues and Surge has the upper hand with his bolt sword. However, Splitface tricks him into momentarily letting his guard down long enough to nail him with a critical infecticide dose, which paralyzes him upon impact. Left totally helpless, Splitface then tosses Surge into the giant asteroid with his shredding claw with enough force to send both it and him on a deadly collision course with the satellite.
Meanwhile, back at Hero Factory mission control, Zib notices that none of the villains went into hiding after escaping, but instead went into various schemes. Quaddle deduces it as a pattern, as if they were all puzzle pieces of some coordinated, larger plan. Just then, an Aratnix Drones appears and Zib tries to shoo it away before noticing that all of mission control is completely infested. They trap the Mission Managers inside energy grid cages and the drones remerge back into a single drone. Then, the drone rejoins its master, the mysterious infiltrator from before, who reveals himself to all the imprisoned mission managers. This foreboding new foe introduces himself as The Black Phantom, who explains that the mice will play while the cat’s away by completely locking down the facility, department after department. When the door to the villain storage unit is sealed shut, Rocka (who was down there investigating the remains of the black hole staff) takes this as a bad omen. Making sure there are no more “unwanted visitors” Phantom then activates one last countermeasure in the control room. Back outside, Daniella is on the horn with her superiors at the news studio, reporting that with all the Heroes off on their missions, there’s not much to report on her end. However, her gears are shifted quickly when the failsafe shield, a huge spherical force field surrounding the plaza's outer parimeter, is risen around the factory. She reports this in and casts live to the audience, advising them to stay tuned for more of this exciting development.
Part 2
With the Hero Factory under lock and key, Rocka, still locked in the Villain Storage Unit, reaches Zib on a video comm to inform him of this bizarre development. He asks if anything is wrong, but Zib tells him they are just running a core breach drill and the whole building has been sealed as a matter of procedure. Rocka doesn't believe such a thing would be happening at a time like this and hangs up. Back in mission control, Zib asks Black Phantom if he did alright, revealing that he ordered him to say it was a core breach drill to keep Rocka from getting suspicious (to no avail). Black Phantom tells Zib that he doesn't like the prospect of so much as one Hero still inside the Factory, regardless of the security measures. Rocka takes the investigation into his own hands and uses his Crossbow's grapnel to escape the Villain Storage Unit through the elevator shaft.
On Z'chaya, Evo is left wandering aimlessly through the forest trying to find Toxic Reapa. Suddenly, Reapa sneaks up on him and nails him with a toxic sludge blast that poisons his shoulder. Toxic Reapa tells him that his victory could go either way (either he vanquishes Evo or he releases the cocoons) before once again escaping into the trees. Evo fires a barrage of plasma bolts in his direction, but realizes there has to be a better way than just half-literally shooting in the dark. Just when it looks like Evo's lost him again, Toxic Reapa attacks nails him with three direct shots of toxic sludge renders him stunned against a wall. Things appear grim as Toxic Reapa knocks him aside.
On Scylla, Furno and Jawblade are in the midst of a cutthroat underwater duel. For the moment, Furno is holding his ground just fine with his new harpoon gun, but is still unable to make the capture due to Jawblade's lifelong experience with underwater combat. He catches Furno in his power jaw, but Furno is just narrowly able to escape being crushed alive. Just then, Jawblade finds what he was looking for: a chunk of Pure Oxidium that he throws at Furno and explodes on impact. Jawblade explains that it's a fast-acting rusting agent that he can repurpose as a devastating weapon against any Hero. His point is made painfully clear as Furno's armor completely rusts over from the energy released by the oxidium and by the time his cuffs finally return to him, he is completely frozen stiff and at the mercy of the rusty fiery shark as he sinks to the ocean floor.
On Tanseri VI, Voltix appears to have the unconscious Stringer at his mercy. That is until he springs to life with his Hero Core fully recharged and he continues to fight. Stringer finally has the upper hand until he trips on one of the energy storage cells. Votix tries to nail him with a direct blast from his Volt Shooter, but Stringer is able to use the energy cell to shield himself from it before it overloads and triggers an explosion.
At the Sigma Sigma Communications Satellite, the infecticide dose wears off and Surge regains his mobility. In an effort to stop the asteroid's colision course, he breaks it in half with his bolt sword. The larger side of the rock is stopped in its tracks, but the other half is still headed for the satellite and is still too big for the shields to hold off. With the rock out of range at his position, Surge is forced to keep up the fight with Splitface.
On Kollix IV, Stormer is racing down the ice canyon in pursuit of Speeda Demon until Speeda Demon blasts a bolt into an ice arch that collapses on Stormer, burying him in rubble.
Back at Hero Factory, Rocka is climbing up an elevator shaft when he manages to get access to a restricted frequency where he is able to reach Zib on comms. In mission control, Zib is able to trigger an alarm on one of the other control consoles to distract Black Phantom and he is able to secretly contact Rocka. Firstly, he questions how Rocka is able reach him on a restricted frequency, but Rocka simply tells him to explain what is really happening in Mission Control. Zib tells him about Black Phantom's takeover and suspects that he's the mastermind behind the breakout. He explains that he's raised the failsafe shield around the Hero Factory and has been using Zib's equipment to modify the Hero Assembly Tower. Rocka makes it his mission to deactivate the shield before the other Heroes return from their missions and Zib explains that there are override controls for the failsafe shield, only for Rocka to reveal that he knows exactly where they are: in Akiyama Makuro's quarters. Zib is shockingly perplexed and Rocka hangs up before he can explain himself. He continues parkouring up the elevator shaft when he is suddenly detected by a motion sensor. Phantom thankfully doesn't get wise to Zib's ruse when he comes back, but finds the motion sensor detection alert on one of the consoles. He deduces it's coming from the elevator shafts and sees the prison level empty. Looking to finally cut off the loose end that is Rocka, Phantom sends down an elevator in the shaft Rocka is in, sending him diving down for escape, and additionally sends his Aratnix downstairs to deal with him. When he does, he lands to safety on one of the training spheres, but gets up to find himself completely surrounded by Aratnix drones. They swarm him and Black Phantom listens to his agony over the monitors. With Rocka occupied, Black Phantom prepares to finish up what he came here for. Zib demands to know what he's planning and Black Phantom reveals his plans to steal the plans for Hero Factory so he can create his own army and then destroy Hero Factory so there won't be any Heroes left to oppose them. Zib claims his plan is folly because the Quaza will recognize his villainy, but Phantom reveals he is powered by Anti-Quaza and uses it to shut the Mission Managers down.
One the Training Sphere, Rocka is just barely able to protect himself from an army of deadly Aratnix drones. He tries climbing to safety and inform Zib of his present predicament, but is unable to reach him on the comms. The robo bugs blast Rocka off the training sphere and onto the catwalk where he is swarmed by them once again. Just as he appears vanquished, he breaks free with his energy shield and charges for Mr. Makuro's office.
At the Sigma Sigma Communications Satellite, things appear grim as the asteroid approaches the satellite. Meanwhile, Surge is getting his metal butt handed to him by Splitface until he skewers him with his bolt sword. With Splitface stunned, Surge sends him hurtling towards the asteroid and smashes it to rubble it on impact. With Splitface disoriented from the impact, Surge is able to make the capture and he returns to the satellite with his quarry still arguing with each other.
Furno is still rusted on Scylla and at the mercy of Jawblade while Evo finally catches up with Toxic Reapa. However, Reapa glues him to a rock with his toxic goo as Reapa approaches his cocoons. With his situation appearing grim, he calls up Furno for more of his advice. With Furno on the verge of being Jawblade's dinner, all Furno is able to tell him is that he just has to make a choice and go for it. Evo stops Toxic Reapa from reaching the cocoons with a plasma bolt and muscles himself free of the slime. With Toxic Reapa resuming his mission, Evo finally defeats him by ingeniously launching him straight at him with the recoil from his plasma gun and dive-kicking him to the ground. With Toxic Reapa down, Evo slaps the cuffs on him, noting the amazing things that can be accomplished by trusting one's instincts. Furno takes his own advice and supercharges his Hero Core to release enough energy to overpower the effects of the Oxidium. With his mobility regained, he wraps his cuffs around one of his harpoon bolts and launches it at Jawblade. Before he even knows what happened, Jawblade's hand is handcuffed to his tail and Furno reels in his catch of the day.
On Kollix IV, Stormer escapes the ice and throws his hero cuffs at Speeda Demon. They latch to his left hand, but his struggle to keep them off his other hand only succeeds in getting him cuffed to his bike's handlebar, causing him to crash into the ice canyon wall. He then takes a call from Furno, who explains to him that no-one has been able to contact Hero Factory and they are on their way to pick up a Hero Craft. With Speeda Demon defeated, Stormer tells Furno he'll meet up at the rendezvous coordinates when he can and the five of them will proceed to the Hero Factory as a team.
Back on Tanseri VI, Stringer then realizes that all the energy cells absorbed Voltix's power, thereby neutralizing all his. With him distracted, Stringer tosses his cuffs and shackles Voltix, defeating him for good by unplugging his helmet and shorting him out. With Voltix captured for real this time, Stringer wanders through the mist in search of his hero pod.
Finally out of the robo bugs' reach, Rocka uses his crossbow to finish off the drones. He finally arrives at Mr. Makuro's office, only to be met with yet another problem when he sees that Makuro locks his door with a sliding block puzzle.
The Alpha 1 Team returns to find Hero Factory under the failsafe shield. When Stormer sees Daniella Capricorn still on the outskirts of the plaza, he hatches an idea. Daniella is in contact with her superiors who tell her to "liven things up" despite the fact that there's nothing for to be doing as long as "nobody is home". However, things start looking up when she is greeted by Stormer, who tells her they need her help. To that end, she lights up a broadcast, explaining that no heroes have returned and the whole galaxy remains in grave danger. With that, the Heroes are able to trick Black Phantom into thinking he has plenty of time to enact his plan. Meanwhile, Rocka figures out the puzzle block (which forms the H symbol for Hero Factory) and gains access to Makuro's office. As he finds the controls for the failsafe shield, he sees Black Phantom on one of the monitors enacting his plan inside the Assembly Tower. With time running out, he sees on another monitor that the Alpha 1 Team has returned. Rocka lowers the failsafe shield and orders Stormer and the others to head for the assembly tower. With the shield finally lowered, the Alpha 1 Team charges for the Hero Factory while Rocka runs to meet them.
When everyone meets up at the Assembly Tower, Evo takes a second to undo the lock on the door. Stormer says that with the help of Daniella Capricorn, the villain responsible for all of this won't be expecting them and Evo will have that second. Rocka then explains the full extent of their situation: a villain called Black Phantom has hijacked the Assembly Tower and orchestrated the prison break to lure all the Heroes away so he could get inside, lock down the Hero Factory, and destroy the whole facility altogether. When Furno asks how Rocka steered clear of Black Phantom, weaved his way through the Hero Factory's interior lockdown defenses, and lowered the failsafe shield all by himself, Rocka confesses that he knows every inch of Hero Factory and all its idiosyncrasies by revealing himself as an undercover agent of the Hero Recon Team. All this time, he was investigating info they had on a possible attack. Once Evo unlocks the door, they confront Black Phantom in the Assembly Tower. Furno can see on a monitor that Hero Factor's reactor core is destabilizing, realizing that Black Phantom is using his own energy to trigger a chain reaction that could destroy the whole Hero Factory. The gang declares that they have to cut Black Phantom away from the power core and they ready for battle. Black Phantom unleashes his Aratnix army on the team and Stormer, Furno, Surge and Evo fight them off all while Rocka engages Black Phantom alone. While the chain reaction is building up, Black Phantom is syphoning as much energy as he can to add it to his own power. When his master plan is complete, he'll be unstoppable and Hero Factory will be reduced to ash. The battle is fierce, but Rocka manages to knock Phantom's Razor Sabre Mace Staff away from him. With all the robo bugs defeated, Stormer orders Rocka to cut off Black Phantom, but Evo orders Rocka to plug Phantom in even more. The team trusts Evo's instincts against better judgement and Rocka goes through with it. With all the power plugged into him all at once, Black Phantom's believes his victory is in sight. However, his energy buildup finally reaches an overload and he burns out like a lightbulb. With Black Phantom and his threat neutralized, Rocka renders him caught and cuffed while Hero Factory's power output stabilizes.
With Hero Factory safe, Evo explains that he was certain decoupling Black Phantom would just leave all of them at the mercy of the mega-powered villain who could still destroy the Hero Factory. Instead, he concluded the better solution would be to allow his power to increase until his charge would reach exceed a threshold he would be able to handle, and the overload would take away all his power all at once. Furno notes that Evo trusted what he knew and felt in the heat of the moment, to which Evo says it's just how he and Stormer taught him. That's when Furno reveals that his offer of advice was all part of a plan Furno helped Stormer carry out to teach Evo on how to trust his instincts as much as his training. Surge then realizes nobody has heard from Stringer in quite a while and that's the moment Stringer returns with Voltix in custody, explaining he couldn't remember where he parked his Hero Pod and was delayed.
The next morning, Daniella announces live that some Heroes have returned with their quarries as two Heroes return with XPlode, but hundreds more remain at large. For now, all that matters is that she is the reason Hero Factory is out of danger.
With everyone assembled in mission control, Zib says that Rocka being an agent of the Hero Recon Team explains how he knew the secret emergency frequency and location of the override controls for the failsafe shield. Rocka explains that he was ordered to stay behind to investigate the Black Hole Orb Staff, and that his team concluded the villains wanted it placed inside Hero Factory as part of a larger plan. That conclusion was proven all too true with the breakout. Mr. Makuro then arrives and explains the Breakout was a diversion from a larger plan in the works. Zib explains that he's deduced part of that larger plan. While everything appears normal since regaining control from the Black Phantom, a file containing the plans for the entire Hero Factory was transmitted to an unknown destination. Mr. Makuro then comes to the grim conclusion that whomever Black Phantom sent those blueprints to now knows how to do exactly what they do.
In a small, dark location, Von Nebula's hand opens his laptop and opens the file, with a mysterious villain ending the episode with an evil laugh.
- Jimi Stringer
- Mark Surge
- Nathan Evo
- Preston Stormer
- Daniel Rocka
- William Furno
- A random blue hero resembling Breez
- A random red hero resembling Bulk
- A random dark red hero
- A random yellow hero with a red mask resembling Bulk
- Black Phantom
- Corroder
- Drilldozer
- Fire Lord
- Jawblade
- Jetbug
- Meltdown
- Nitroblast
- Rotor
- Speeda Demon
- Splitface
- Thunder
- Toxic Reapa
- Voltix
- Von Nebula
- Witch Doctor
- XPlode
- A Fangz (reused animation model)
- A Raw-Jaw (reused animation model)
- A Scorpio (reused animation model)
- A Waspix (reused animation model)
- A villain, who gets the file
Minor characters
- Nathaniel Zib
- Quadal
- Akiyama Makuro
- Several Mission Managers
- Daniella Capricorn
- The reason Witch Doctor's mind controlled animals are in captivity is because Treshold Studios had no more 3D models of Villains for the show and had to recycle their designs from Savage Planet.
- You can also see multiple copies of the same Villain model escaping from the Villain Storage Facility.
- Before their new upgrade Stormer, Furno, and Stringer were downgraded back to their 2.0 designs possibly to use their blaster rather than melee weapons used in 3.0.
- Stormer never used the weapons he was equipped with except for his Scout Drones.
- Furno's blaster can't shoot due to being underwater making it useless with the exception of his harpoon launcher.
- Even though Furno super charged his Hero Core to remove the rust, he still retained rust marks on his armor. In Brain Attack it is all gone.
- The logical explanation is that Furno simply supercharged his core to unleash enough power to regain mobility, but not enough to undo the superficial damage to his armor. By the time Hero Factory was up and running again after the defeat of The Black Phantom, the rest of the rust was most likely cleaned up when Furno recharged his core in the quaza chamber, as is protocol for all Heroes after returning from missions (also because of the apparency of a Hero's armor regaining its luscious shine after a recharge in the quaza chamber).
- This is the last episode to have Eric Christian Olson to voice Furno.
- The only Alpha 1 Team members that did not appear in the episodes are Natalie Breez, Julius Nex, and Dunkan Bulk, despite their Breakout forms having their own sets. The only Breakout villains that did not appear in the episodes are Core Hunter, XT4, and Thornraxx, despite having their own sets. Vapor did not appear, either. Reasons for these conditions are unknown. In the Brain Attack episode in 2013, Breez and Bulk appeared in their 2.0 forms rather than their Breakout ones, but the situation with the 2.0 forms is not canon.
- Cryoshell, who is better known for creating songs for BIONICLE made a song for Breakout that was feature on the Credits.
Cryoshell - Breakout
- The hook part of Surge's Ice Spear Blaster is upside down from it's actual position. When the Heroes looked at the damage hole. The hook is back to it's original position.
- The shot of Stormer looking at the damage hole shows his back missing the shield armor.
- The shot when Stormer said "Uh" shows him missing his right ice drone on the shoulder. It is shown in the next shot when Stormer said "Catch him and cuff him, I like it".