“With my drills? Sure, I was just standing around getting rusty.”
Dunkan Bulk, Invasion From Below
Bulk Drill Machine
Bulk's Drill Machine
Battle Machine
User(s) Dunkan Bulk
Functionality Drilling, firing missiles
Status Destroyed

The Bulk Drill Machine was a Battle Machine piloted by Dunkan Bulk during the events of the Invasion From Below.


After the Heros went underground during the Invasion from Below, they got battle machines better suited for underground locomotion. Bulk got the Drill Machine, which he used to drill through two walls, using the battle machine's missiles to destroy loose rocks. At the second wall, however, the rock came loose, and Natalie Breez, Nathan Evo, and Bulk fell, in their battle machines, towards a crystal cave, which had crystals jutting from the walls. Breez, using her Flea Machine's grapple, grappled onto the rock above them, and Evo, in his Spider Machine, held on to one of the Breez Flea Machine's legs, which stopped him from falling any further. Bulk, however, kept falling, and his Drill Machine hit the spikes, destroying his battle machine, and forcing him to eject.


The Drill Machine has four legs and a drill and is colored gunmetal grey and orange. It has four missiles surrounding the drill, two on each side. The drill also turns into a double cannon by simply pushing the drill upwards.

Set Information[]

The Bulk Drill Machine (set number 44025) comes with 113 pieces, and includes Bulk, a gun for the Hero, a Jumper, and a cocoon.




External Links[]
