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Pages for Deletion[]

Razor Saw Shield/Spinning Razor Saw Shield[]

I am pretty sure these are the same thing, if I am wrong, someone please correct me. --JediToa (talk) 02:38, November 13, 2013 (UTC)




They are technically different items. However, my main concern here is that both of these articles are stubs, and the information in these articles consist of one sentence each. I request for someone to expand one, if not both, of these articles if possible. If it's not possible, I may just go ahead and delete both of them as they really aren't needed in their current state. Toa Takanuva (talk) 03:10, November 13, 2013 (UTC)

Okay, got it I will work on them a bit. --JediToa (talk) 18:10, November 13, 2013 (UTC)