“And for Stringer, a new Quad-Amplitude Mega Decibel Sound Blaster that will help him deal with Voltix.”
Nathaniel Zib, Breakout
Mega Decibel Sound Blaster
Sonic Blaster
User(s) Jimi Stringer
Functionality Firing Sonic Bolts
Status In Use

The Quad-Amplitude Mega Decibel Sound Blaster is a weapon used by Jimi Stringer. He was given it to capture Voltix and lost it, but it was later recovered.


Augmenting his sonic abilities, the quad-amplitude, Mega-Decibel Sonic Blaster is designed to send out concentrated and explosive masses of sound waves, the vibrations of which can affect both biological and electrical components, much like his Sonic Speakers. The nature of the sound waves have an adverse effect on hearing.

Example Use[]

Stringer used it during the Breakout to shoot a sonic blast at Voltix.

HeroFactory.com Description[]

The Sonic Blaster is a booster supplement to Stringer's Sonic Speakers in his fight against Voltix. Built to send a concentrated, explosive mass of sound waves to knock out your opponent. Its waves shake and alter electric components as well as biological matter. Read the warning label closely, especially the part written in small print. Earplugs should be worn at all times.

