This article is about the television episode. You may be looking for the comic.
“Now remember Furno, the nanobots may have already wiped out the last remains of Hero Stormer,
leaving only a deadly enemy within.”
Nathaniel Zib
The Enemy Within
The Enemy Within Title Screen in HD
Television Show Episode
Year September 22, 2010 (United States of America)
Director Mark Baldo
Previous Episode Core Crisis
Next Episode Von Nebula

The Enemy Within is the third episode in Rise of the Rookies.


During a training mission the Rookie Team, William Furno, Natalie Breez, Mark Surge and Preston Stormer are flying through an asteroid field when Breeze tells the team that she's been selected as the spokes person for an energy drink commercial. Everybody is excited for her except Stormer, who despises the idea of being cheered on as a celebrity instead of a soldier on active duty. However, Surge counteracts his statement that they're Heroes, not rockstars, by reminding him of a new monster-sized electro-billboard of him right in the center of Makuhero City. Stormer explains that he only agreed to it under the condition of the advertisement being a simple poster, but instead got duped by the ad guys in charge of it and wound up erecting that huge billboard. He would like nothing more than to see that billboard go up in smoke. Suddenly, Nathaniel Zib relays a report of a distress call from Mekron City in the Mekronite Planetoid Belt, on account of Stormer being familiar with the local police chief, Drax.

Infected Drax

Chief Drax threatening Stormer.

Upon arriving at the precinct, Stormer walk slowly down a deserted hallway filled with statues, as abandoned computer stations flash "WANTED" screens for the villains Meltdown and Vapor. Finally, Stormer found Chief Drax, who seems to be possessed by an evil force. Drax tries and fails to shoot Stormer  with a gun and is Hero Cuffed, but sends robot minions out to attack the Heroes. The Rookies attempt to shoot the robots down, but are not very accurate, and Stormer fells most of them.

Meltdown Snarl

Meltdown attacks the Alpha Team.

Meltdown then smashes through the window lands at everyone's feet. He introduces himself and announces the newest addition to his arsenal. He demonstrates this by charging up his tentacle arm and taking a lash straight at Furno. Stormer knocks Furno away to protect him from getting struck, but not without getting struck himself straight in his core chamber. Meltdown bids the Heroes adue with his mission supposedly complete. With Drax in custody, Stormer is still reeling from taking such a critical blow from Meltdown - one that he knew Furno never would've been able to handle. The rookies decide the best course of action would be to return to the Hero Factory for further evaluation with Surge hoping neither of their conditions are terminal.

With Quaddle's X-Bot scanner, Zib's diagnostic reveals that Meltdown's radioactive attack has infected Stormer and Cheif Drax with nanobots. Just then, Stormer goes mad and climbs through above Mission Control to the Training Spheres, where Jimi Stringer, Dunkan Bulk, and William Furno duel him. After throwing Bulk off the edge, Stormer takes a jetpack and leaves the Hero Factory. Furno follows him on the Furno Bike.

Tratix Repoid about to devour Mark Surge

The Tratix Reptoid prepares to devour Mark Surge.

Meanwhile, the remaining four members travel to Lunar Tratix in a Drop Ship to find the one thing that headquarters doesn't have, in order to manufacture an antidote that Raven Su and the science team have developed. Upon arriving, they are attacked by a Tratix Reptoid. Bulk and Stringer keep the creature occupied while Natalie Breez finds the ingredient. Despite their efforts, the Tritax Reptoid focuses on her. Mark Surge then steps in and attracts the creature's attention, though he is captured and nearly devoured before Breez uses her linguistic skills to tell the creature to drop him. The Tritax Reptoid obliges, and the team leaves.

Furno's assumptions are right as he finds Preston snarling and growling at the giant electro-billboard. Furno and Stormer do battle, causing damage to the giant electro-billboard. Stormer is about to give the final blow when Furno  compare Stormer to Von Ness. In the small fragment of sanity left, Stormer realizes his actions are wrong and refrains from killing the Rookies. Stormer is then drained of energy and Furno return him to Hero Factory.

At Mission Control, Breez reveals that she can talk to animals as a part of her programming. Stormer is given the antidote, curing him, and he thanks Furno for destroying the electro-billboard. He further deduces that someone wants him dead. Elsewhere, it is revealed that Von Ness still lurks in the galaxy, vowing revenge on Stormer under his new name, "Von Nebula".




Minor characters[]

See Also[]


  • Furno's Dual Fire Shooter not only shoots but can also function as a flamethrower. Furno tried to use it on Stormer only for Stormer to move it and burn a electro-billboard (though it's ambiguous as to whether that ultimate result was Furno's intention all along).
